Saturday, 28 April 2007

Submission for Norwich Fringe Festival

Wind Turbines Saints/Sinners

This is a mock up for a current work in progress for location in St Margaret's Church, Norwich. It is one of many site specific works I am working on at the moment.
It is constructed of white feathers suspended as a veil. The pattern reflects the three blades of a wind turbine and the grid they form on mass. The feather/blades represent the double edged sword dilemma of the wind turbine. The are many facets to this such as; a bird's feather is seen as a thing of beauty but the sight of a turbine blade
for many is ugly. Yet the shape of both is very similar as their functions are similar. Badly sited wind turbines kill and disturb birds, yet the main threat to bird life are the effects of global warming.
I like using the context of the church as this piece also recognizes the significance of the symbolism of three joined in the center as the sign of the Holy Trinity. Are wind turbines part of out salvation?

Other works I want to produce will introduce movement into the pieces. I have plans for a large scale hanging mobile. I hope I will have the chance to add some of my work to the art trail around the city.

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