Sunday 24 June 2007

Good end to slash07 exhibition

In Hot Water © Sue White
It is good to be able to look at the positive side of life after so much that has happened in the last few weeks. I had the most wonderful end to the exhibition just a few minutes after the close of show I sold my second piece of work. A limited edition digital archive print titled 'In hot water' 1/100. It is so encouraging when someone relates to what you are trying to say through your work.
The first piece to be sold was on the same theme but in a different media of digital print on glass.

The piece came about as I was having a bath on a sunny afternoon, listening to BBC radio 4. One program ended and another started, it was on the advancing desertification in different areas of the world. As I lay there in a deep bath listening, playing with the patterns made by the reflections of my pink toenails, I realized the irony of the scene. It represented the pure luxury of having water to spare and power to heat it. The unthinking decadence of it seemed highlighted by my pink toenails and the shiny chrome as they gleamed in the sunlight. I hopped out to get my camera so I could capture the moment.

The second element in the image of the cracked earth came from a trip to the bird reserve at Holme on the north Norfolk coast. Seeing the dried pool brought back the bath experience and the image of a lone bath time yellow plastic duck sat on the cracked mud just sprung into my mind. A really strong dark image of loss, threat and vulnerability. The resulting image I produced when I got home can be seen at the very bottom of this blog site. It was a few months later that I thought to combine the two images to form 'In Hot Water'. I worked with a mix of digital photography, Photoshop and drawing to produce the image.

Lost (Pink) © Sue White
limited edition digital print on glass.

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